进阶 - Advanced


学习任何编程语言,都绝非一蹴而就。在入门之后,我们需要去深入掌握该语言的核心概念和高级特性。这一部分将带你探索函数/方法的奥秘,揭开面向对象编程的神秘面纱,领略并发编程和错误处理的精髓。你还将学习文件 IO、数据结构与算法等重要知识,全面夯实编程基础。

Mastering any programming language is never an easy feat. After the basics, we need to dive deeper into the core concepts and advanced features. This section will guide you through exploring functions/methods, unveiling the mysteries of object-oriented programming, and appreciating the intricacies of concurrency and error handling. You'll also learn crucial topics like file I/O, data structures, and algorithms to cement a comprehensive programming foundation.
