实战 - Practical
理论知识终将在实践中展现价值。这一部分将带你投身实战,在多个热门领域动手编程。无论是开发 Web 应用、系统程序,还是制作游戏、机器学习模型乃至区块链应用,你都将有机会将所学付诸实践,锻炼编程功力。我们甚至为你准备了大型项目实践,帮助你提升项目管理和团队协作能力。实战出真知,方能臻至编程高手。
Theoretical knowledge will only reveal its true value through real-world practice. This section immerses you in hands-on coding across multiple hot domains. Whether it's web development, systems programming, game making, machine learning models, or even blockchain applications, you'll have ample opportunities to apply what you've learned and hone your skills. We've even prepared large project practices to elevate your project management and team collaboration capabilities. Only by battling in the trenches can one become a true programming master.